Patents Wallpaper by Mind The Gap

Patents Wallpaper by Mind The Gap  

Patents is part of the 'A Beautiful Mind' collection of wallpapers by Mind The Gap.  The world we live in today would no doubt be a different place without the amazing discoveries produced by famous scientists, Newton, Gallieo, Einstein or Edison, they all changed the world with their brilliant minds and fascinating imagination.  But what do they have in common? What makes them think so bright? Should it be their genes or maybe just lucky moments? Or could it be unusual courage and ambition combined with dreamy spirits?  You can search for the perfect answer while admiring this magnificent collection of wallpapers showing famous inventions.


Width 52cm

Roll Length 3 METRES  Sold in sets of 3 rolls giving coverage of up to 4.64sqm

Application Method PASTE THE WALL

Substrate NON WOVEN

Printing DIGITAL

DELIVERY - Please allow up to 15 days for delivery however we will endeavour to get it to you as soon as possible.


 Mind The Gap wallpapers are made in Transylvania, using only FSC Grade wallpaper substrate produced from sustainable managed forest.  The inks are odourless, with a very high durability being certified to comply with the Nordic Swan Environmental Standard.

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