Portrait Gallery In Blue Wallpaper By The Graduate Collection

Portrait Gallery In Blue by The Graduate Collection

Designer: Charlotte Corey

An unusual portrait gallery of animals wearing their finest clothes. 

"Charlotte has a complete passion for wallpaper.  She has used many of her original works to create this stunning, fun and bold wallpaper.  This wallpaper will add a great conversation to anybody's home."

Colourway BLUE

Width 52cm

Roll Length 10 METRES 

Repeat  52cm

Application Method PASTE THE WALL

Substrate NON WOVEN

Printing DIGITAL 

Delivery Time:  Please allow up to 10 days for delivery.


Charlotte Cory is an artist with an established studio and gloriously quirky world of her own. She reworks Victorian photographs into her own imagery to create a whole alternative vibrant 19th Century in which the animal kingdom is clearly in charge. Her works are in the Royal Collection, have been shown at the Royal Academy together with installations at the Bronte and John Soane's museums. "Wallpaper is so important in a room, it can instantly change the whole feel of the space and the whole mood of the people in that space. I hope my wallpapers will make people feel happy..."

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